"Look at the screen Straker ... on Mars there are forms of life !!!" says Colonel Freeman. Form of life ? Is possible ?
Human brain is able to put together objects and transforms these objects in entities that recognize and define... this is a psychological mechanism... unintentional but always verifiable. For example:
Italy... our brain reduces her to a boot.
A mountain on Mars... our brain reduces her to the face of a Sphinx !
Human brain is able to put together objects and transforms these objects in entities that recognize and define... this is a psychological mechanism... unintentional but always verifiable. For example:
Italy... our brain reduces her to a boot.
A mountain on Mars... our brain reduces her to the face of a Sphinx !
And the alien woman on the screen of Shado, even if she not exist, it's just an optical illusion, she reminds to commander the face of his wife, disappeared from his life and not seen from years.
But there is no time for sentimentality, because the units of Shado are on alert:
an alien agent is positioning a cobalt bomb in Central London.
It's a weapon capable of destroying the entire Western world !
In fact computers are only following footsteps of radioactive cobalt and is for a simple deductive process that is assumed the presence of an alien saboteur.

an alien agent is positioning a cobalt bomb in Central London.
It's a weapon capable of destroying the entire Western world !
In fact computers are only following footsteps of radioactive cobalt and is for a simple deductive process that is assumed the presence of an alien saboteur.

A simple deductive process extremely realistic, because the alien saboteur really exists ! And the Commander Straker try to stop him !
Who is the saboteur ? A pawn controlled by ufoes ? Or an alien leader ?
His red eyes are not expressive, we don't know who he really is ...
In anyway, the mission is vital to the aliens, they want detonate the bomb !
For this, a monstrous robot is unleashed versus the commander !
Its scary optical rays are fired versus him.
Commander Straker fights as Rambo !
Very soon the alien understands who is Straker ...
With a strategic movement, Commander Straker avoids optical rays... then he veers so quickly, cling to a lamp post, and let his shado-moto going to crash face to the robotic monster. The alien despair, because construction of the bomb requires considerable investment and energy and this precious ship of death cannnot be sacrificed vainly, fighting a human military, unpredictable and resourceful ! What the alien can do ?
Very soon the alien understands who is Straker ...
With a strategic movement, Commander Straker avoids optical rays... then he veers so quickly, cling to a lamp post, and let his shado-moto going to crash face to the robotic monster. The alien despair, because construction of the bomb requires considerable investment and energy and this precious ship of death cannnot be sacrificed vainly, fighting a human military, unpredictable and resourceful ! What the alien can do ?
Planet Earth is safe !
"You've done it, Ed !!! The bomb exploded on Mars !!!"
"You've done it, Ed !!! The bomb exploded on Mars !!!"
exclaimes Colonel Freeman.
The alien not accept the idea that his precious cargo falling into the hands of Straker. Rather than leave it to human beings, he decided to retire for detonate on Mars and pave the ground, in order to build an alien station.
The alien not accept the idea that his precious cargo falling into the hands of Straker. Rather than leave it to human beings, he decided to retire for detonate on Mars and pave the ground, in order to build an alien station.
Yes... try of power is over !
So, Commander Straker remember the strange creature on Mars who seems his wife ! She's there ! fragile...innocent...and dead !
So, Commander Straker remember the strange creature on Mars who seems his wife ! She's there ! fragile...innocent...and dead !
As if he lose her again, as if he could not save her.
In his imagination, that form of life seems the woman he loves...
seems the entire humanity that wants to survive and defeat the aliens !
In his imagination, that form of life seems the woman he loves...
seems the entire humanity that wants to survive and defeat the aliens !
Lyrics and drawings by Leo001
TV series and characters by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson
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